NAME____________________________________ DOB___________________
Date Daily Dose Site Comments and Observations
Bottle #1
Day 1 _________ 1 drop under tongue ___________________
Day 2 _________ 2 drops under tongue ___________________
Day 3 _________ 3 drops under tongue ___________________
Day 4 _________ 4 drops under tongue ___________________
Day 5 _________ 5 drops under tongue ___________________
Bottle #2
Day 6 _________ 1 drop under tongue ___________________
Day 7 _________ 2 drops under tongue ___________________
Day 8 _________ 3 drops under tongue ___________________
Day 9 _________ 4 drops under tongue ___________________
Day 10_________ 5 drops under tongue ___________________
Start of Maintenance
Day 11_________ 5 drops under tongue ___________________
Drops are to be held under the tongue for 2 minutes, then swallow.
Seek immediate medical attention and use Epipen if severe allergic reaction occurs including difficulty breathing, severe swelling of tongue, severe rash, or hives.
Discontinue drops until you notify our office if you experience oral swelling, skin rash, cough, severe vomiting/diarrhea, worsening of asthma.
You must have a current EpiPen available. Check the expiration date.
If it has been 3 weeks since your last dose, do not proceed. Call our office and speak with an allergy nurse for further instructions.